public transportation

Public transportation in Indonesia is very much like there was public transportation, train, and busways. Many crimes that occur on public transport. News reports about crimes in taxis, trains, and buses are clearly apprehensive. There thife, robbery and piracy. Crime in the public transport facilities that were classified as street crime or street crime. The criminologists are also used to call this crime by using force or violence and crime with the power. I will discuss the crimes that occurred on trains that pencopetan handphone crimes that are often done by some people who are good at doing those activities. Not to mention the many criminals who masquerade as passengers to buy tickets. It is difficult for officers to discriminate between passengers and where criminals.As for tips to prevent the crimes that we should dont put the phone in my pocket because it will be seen once. To keep from the worst possible thing we should always carry a small bag and put it in your bag handphone.
Watch out for those of you who want to ride public transportation because public transportation is a place where crime often occurs. Beware the street if there is a suspicious you should come down from public transport it.
So now many streets of the capital we see people more often use motorcycles and private cars. Because look at the security of public transport are not promising for them. The rise of crime in urban transport has reduced the public interest to use the public transportation. As a result, revenue decreased because the driver was scared of the prospective passenger. A team effort is needed to improve all aspects of safety on public transport. Crime Stoppers can be used by the public to keep the transit system safe and stamp out inappropriate behaviour.

complaint letter

Saturday, April 16, 2010
Dear, Renata
Thank you for talking the time to communicate to us why our (product/service) did not your expectations. We have every desire to address your needs and provide the best solutions available to resolve your issue as soon as possible.
I will be in contact with you in the coming days to make our best attempt in regaining your confidence in our company. In addition, we will further evaluate how we can prevent this problem from occurring again in the future.
Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble or inconvenience we have caused you. Again, I highly appreciate your feedback as it will assist us in becoming better at what we do. As with any business like ours, the grentest and vertising we can have is word of mouth from satisfied customer. It’sour goal to retain you as a satisfied customer and will hope to serve you again in the future.
Thank you.

VIVAnews - Larangan terbang di sejumlah negara Eropa akibat pergerakan gumpalan asap abu dari ledakan gunung di Islandia dalam beberapa hari terakhir membawa Eric Moody kepada kenangan lama saat masih aktif menjadi pilot. Pasalnya, dia pernah mengalami bahayanya terbang di langit yang penuh abu.

Itulah sebabnya Moody mendukung larangan terbang saat abu masih menyelimuti langit. Selain mengganggu pandangan pilot, abu dari letusan gunung itu bisa membuat mesin pesawat mati mendadak di tengah penerbangan.

Kepada stasiun televisi CNN, Moody teringat saat menerbangkan pesawat British Airways dari Inggris menuju Australia pada 24 Juni 1982. Moody tidak mengetahui bahwa pada saat itu terjadi letusan Gunung Galunggung ketika pesawat British Airways, dengan nomor penerbangan 9, berada di langit Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Peristiwa yang tak mengenakkan pun terjadi saat pesawat Boeing 747-200 yang membawa 263 penumpang itu terbang di tengah kepulan asap abu dari letusan gunung. "Empat mesin pesawat semuanya mati," kata Moody, seperti yang dikutip laman CNN, Jumat 16 April 2010. Ketika itu pesawat berada di ketinggian 36.000 kaki (11.000 meter).

Bersama asistennya, Moody sepakat untuk melakukan pendaratan darurat di kota terdekat, yaitu Jakarta. Namun, masalah lain muncul. "Kami saat itu tidak bisa melihat pemandangan di luar lewat kaca depan dan sebagian dari panel elektronik untuk membantu pendaratan darurat tidak jalan," kata Moody melanjutkan.

Sebagai kapten pesawat, Moody pun berupaya tenang kendati semua mesin mati dan sebagian perangkat elektronik tidak berfungsi. Lewat pengeras suara, dia pun meminta semua penumpang bersiap mengalami pendaratan darurat.

"Selamat malam bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu, di sini Kapten Eric Moody yang berbicara. Kita mengalami sedikit masalah karena empat mesin semuanya tidak berfungsi. Kita sedang berupaya keras untuk mengaktifkan mereka kembali. Saya harap Anda semua tidak terlalu resah," demikian pengumuman Moody yang legendaris itu.

Menurut serial film dokumenter, Air Emergency: Air Crash Investigation, banyak penumpang saat itu sudah menulis pesan terakhir kepada kerabat. Mereka merasa pengumuman pilot itu pertanda pesawat bakal jatuh.

"Bu, kita lagi ada masalah. Pesawat mau jatuh. Akan berbuat yang terbaik untuk anak-anak. Kami cinta kalian. Maafkan aku, Pak," tulis seorang penumpang, Charles Capewell, dalam pesan untuk orang tuanya yang dia tulis di dompetnya.

Kekhawatiran para penumpang akhirnya tidak terwujud. Di ketinggian 13.000 kaki, tiga mesin pesawat kembali berfungsi. Moody dan asistennya berhasil melakukan pendaratan darurat di Jakarta.

"Saya tidak tahu seberapa tebal abu itu. Tapi yang jelas saya tidak mau berada di dekat hujan abu lagi," kata Moody kepada CNN. Bisa jadi pengalaman yang dialami Moody menjadi pelajaran berharga bagi otoritas penerbangan untuk tidak memaksakan diri menerbangkan pesawat di tengah hujan abu.

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Korut Bantah Tenggelamkan Kapal Perang Korsel

[Korut Bantah Tenggelamkan Kapal Perang Korsel] Korut Bantah Tenggelamkan Kapal Perang Korsel

SEOUL, — Korea Utara, Sabtu (17/4/2010), membantah bahwa pihaknya yang menenggelamkan kapal angkatan laut Korea Selatan bulan lalu di dekat perbatasan laut yang disengketakan.

Ada spekulasi yang berkembang di Korea Selatan bahwa kapal perang tersebut telah dihantam oleh torpedo Korea Utara, dan menewaskan hampir 50 pelaut. "Karena Korea Selatan tak bisa mengidentifikasi penyebab kecelakaan itu, mereka menggunakan media untuk mengaitkan peristiwa itu dengan kami dan berusaha untuk mengarang penyebab peristiwa itu," kata kantor berita resmi Korea Utara, KCNA.

Para pakar Amerika Serikat dan Korea Selatan meninjau buritan kapal perang Korea Selatan yang karam itu untuk mencari petunjuk penyebab karamnya kapal tersebut. Peninjauan dimulai Kamis, setelah sebuah derek apung raksasa diberangkatkan ke bagian buritan kapal korvet berbobot 1.200 ton, yang pecah menjadi dua oleh apa yang menurut para pelaut yang selamat, sebagai ledakan luar yang besar pada bulan lalu, yang menyisakan 46 awaknya masih hilang.

Para perwira militer mengatakan, 36 mayat pria—sebagian besar berumur 20 tahunan—telah ditemukan dari buritan kapal tersebut, setelah dua jenazah ditemukan pada awal bulan ini. Lima puluh delapan awak kapal berhasil diselamatkan tak lama setelah bencana pada 26 Maret tersebut di Laut Kuning, dalam tragedi angkatan laut di masa damai yang menelan banyak korban bagi Korea Selatan.

Setelah mendobrak buritan kelabu Cheonan yang ditopang kapal tongkang, 38 penyelidik sipil dan militer termasuk dua pakar AS mulai memeriksa buritan, kata seorang juru bicara Kepala Staf Gabungan. Korea Selatan telah melancarkan penyelidikan internasional mengenai bencana itu untuk menjamin penemuan-penemuan akhir tidak bisa disengketakan.

Penyelidikan itu, yang diperkirakan akan berlangsung beberapa pekan, melibatkan lebih dari 120 pakar lokal, delapan pakar Amerika, dan tiga pakar Australia, kata Kementerian Pertahanan.

Perbatasan Laut Kuning yang disengketakan itu menjadi tempat pertempuran angkatan laut yang menelan banyak korban antara Korea Utara dan Korea Selatan pada 1999 dan 2002. Di lokasi juga terjadi bentrokan bersenjata pada November tahun lalu, yang mengakibatkan sebuah kapal patroli Korea Utara terbakar.

Menteri Pertahanan Korea Selatan telah mengemukakan kemungkinan bahwa sebuah ranjau atau torpedo menghantam kapal perang Cheonan itu. Sejauh ini Pemerintah Seoul tidak menuduh Pyongyang terlibat, tetapi insiden itu menaikkan ketegangan lintas perbatasan kedua negara.

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ucapan congratulations

The waiting is over the fun has begun your sweet little baby is here. May joy come to you and yours new baby. A joy that grow year after years. Congratulations.

ucapan ulang tahun

Wishing you all the things that bring beauty into your world and joy into your fell good about life and about yourself. The special things that will give you happy moments today and happy memories tomorrow. Happy birthday

ucapan ulang tahun

You deserve that kind of day. That happy from beginning to end. A day when you tell good about yourself and everything around you. You deserve that kind of day because you make so many days just that nice for others. Happy birthday

happy wedding

happy wedding my sister. I wish you and husband full of life and gift child is very cute..
I am deligth for wedding you. Happy always my sis...

Pertumbuhan Ekonomi RI Diprediksi Bisa Sentuh 6%
JAKARTA - UBS Investment Research melihat potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia bisa menyentuh angka enam persen. Pertumbuhan ekonomi tersebut ditopang oleh pemulihan ekonomi global dan apresiasi nilai tukar rupiah.

"Kami memperkirakan tren pertumbuhan GDP Indonesia setidaknya dapat menyentuh 5-6 persen," ujar Ekonom ASEAN UBS, Edward Teather, di Hotel Four Seasons, Kuningan, Jakarta, Selasa (9/3/2010).

Namun dirinya menggarisbawahi bahwa risiko yang bisa menghambat pencapaian tersebut adalah kekhawatiran atas kepercayaan diri yang terlalu berlebihan sehingga mendatangkan investasi yang terlalu berlebihan atau investasi yang buruk.

Selain itu, penurunan harga komoditas dunia serta penghindaran risiko dari pasar uang global (global financial market risk aversion) juga menjadi hambatannya. Sementara itu, untuk inflasi dengan melihat hal yang sama dengan pemerintah, diprediksi akan berada di level plus minus lima persen.

Sedangkan untuk nilai tukar rupiah, diprediksi akan ditutup di angka Rp9.400 per USD atau berada di kisaran Rp9.000-Rp9.500 per USD. Tren tersebut akan berlanjut di 2011 yang diproyeksikan akan mencapai Rp9.200 per USD. "Rupiah akan berada di kisaran Rp9.000-Rp9.500 per USD," ujar Executive Director F1/FX Strategy UBS, Nizam Idris.(ade)
sumber okezone

Keluarga Tak Yakin Dulmatin Tewas
Selasa, 9 Maret 2010 - 18:45 wib

Polisi membawa jenazah teroris di Pamulang.(foto:daylife)

PEMALANG - Keluarga Dulmatin tidak percaya dengan kematian mantan alumni kelompok Mindanau itu dalam sebuah penggerebekan yang dilakukan Densus 88 di Pamulang, Jakarta.

Azam Ba’az, kakak kandung Dulmatin mengaku hingga saat ini pihaknya belum mendapat pemberitahuan resmi dari pihak Kepolisian. “Sampai sekarang saya belum dapat pemberitahuan dari polisi, tapi memang sudah lihat berita di tv tentang penggerebekan teroris di Pamulang,” katanya dihubungi, Selasa (9/3/2010).

Menurut dia, pihak keluarga masih tidak percaya dengan keterlibatan Dulmatin dalam serangkaian aksi terorisme. “Dulmatin itu orangnya baik,”ujarnya.

Meski demikian, kata dia, jika salah satu pelaku yang tewas dalam aksi penggerebekan di Pamulang itu benar Dulmatin, pihaknya berharap jenazah adiknya segera dibawa pulang ke kampung halaman di komplek Pasar Petarukan Utara Dukuh Keboijo, Kelurahan Petarukan, Kabupaten Pemalang.
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TOKYO – Japan's central bank held interest rates just above zero Thursday and held off on new policy steps, resisting growing government pressure to escalate the fight against deflation.

The seven member policy board voted unanimously to keep the overnight call rate target at 0.1 percent. The Bank of Japan has maintained the super-low interest rate since December 2008 when it was cut from 0.3 percent.

It maintained its assessment of the economy, saying conditions are improving but that domestic consumption remains too weak.

Gross domestic product figures released Monday showed that Japan's economy beat expectations to grow at an annualized pace of 4.6 percent in the fourth quarter. The expansion helped the country fend off a surging China and keep its title as the world's No. 2 economy in terms of total output.

Japan has benefited from government stimulus measures at home and around the world, which have bolstered global trade and factory production. But a lasting recovery is in doubt if finance officials cannot reverse a vicious cycle of falling prices and wages.

Core consumer prices fell for the 10th straight month in December, declining 1.3 percent.

Ahead of the central bank's two-day meeting, government officials stepped up pressure on Bank of Japan Gov. Masaaki Shirakawa to do more. Finance Minister Naoto Kan called for inflation of 1 percent, which he said was the minimum level required for stable prices.

The central bank reiterated its commitment to fighting deflation, without introducing new policy steps.

"The Bank recognizes that it is a critical challenge for Japan's economy to overcome deflation and return to a sustainable growth path with price stability," it said in its statement. "To this end, the Bank will continue to consistently make contributions as a central bank."

Lower prices may seem like a good thing, but deflation plagued Japan during its "Lost Decade" in the 1990s. It can hamper economic growth by depressing company profits, sparking wage cuts and causing consumers to postpone purchases. It also can increase debt burdens.

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JAKARTA – To response inconsistent allegation, special committee of Bank Century inquiry, Bambang Soesatyo, re-offend, special presidential staffer, Andi Arief perceived will embezzle pansus investigation related to Bank Century scandal.

“Do not accept irresponsible news, I am not going to be provocated over this issues,” Soesatyo told here on Wednesday (Dec.24).

Transfering of isue as formerly purposed by Bambang also ever happened, like feud between Golkal party chief, Abirizal Bakrie and finance minister Sri Mulyani.

“All gossips would not succeed and now to look for other matters,” he told.

It known that Andi accused Bambang who was inconsistent Bank Century scandal, and Andi added that Soesatyo knew indonesia devastated by economy recession 2008, as the basis of Bank Century’s blackout.

To response it, he himself boosted several banks that should be assisted, including Century Bank, because of slowdown, however, the problem is why just for Bank Century, meanwhile. There are any other troubled Banks.

“I agreed with the bailout because of recession, but it should be based on rules and regulations, and no engineering for capital asset rasio (CAR) for helping inapropriate Bank by any policy of short-term liquidity support (FPJP),” he concluded.
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WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's new deficit commission might give Americans a slap in the face about the sacrifices needed to avoid bankrupting future generations — maybe working until age 70, paying higher taxes and spending more of their own money for doctors' visits and prescriptions.

Obama certainly won't be talking about that harsh medicine, nor will the lawmakers on Capitol Hill, nor the candidates trying to replace them next November.

In a poisonous election-year atmosphere, almost no one is willing to go on the record with solutions like raising the Social Security retirement age, ordering broad-based tax increases or increasing copays and deductibles for Medicare — ideas far too politically explosive for one party to take on alone.

That's where Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform — created Thursday with fanfare — comes in. With the total federal debt next year expected to exceed $14 trillion — about $47,000 for every U.S. resident — the 18-member commission is charged with coming up with a plan by Dec. 1 to reduce the government's annual deficits to 3 percent of the national economy by 2015.

Obama announced the panel only after the Senate rejected a call by Sens. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., and Judd Gregg, R-N.H., to create by law a group that would have been similar but whose recommendations would have had considerably more weight — requiring Congress to take action accepting or rejecting them.

Reducing the deficit to 3 percent of the gross domestic product would still leave an annual deficit of almost $600 billion — compared to $1.4 trillion last year and nearly $1.6 trillion this year — but would at least keep the national debt stable relative to the size of the economy, a goal endorsed by professional economists.

Obama said continuing the red-ink trend could "hobble our economy. It will cloud our future and it will saddle every child in America with an intolerable burden."

The rising debt threatens to force up interest rates and crowd out private investment, according to economists. And interest payments on the debt will eat up an increasingly large portion of the government's budget, squeezing programs and forcing even higher taxes.

Chairing the commission are retired GOP Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming and former Democratic White House staff chief Erskine Bowles. "Whatever the results of our work, the American people are going to know about a lot more where we are headed with an honest appraisal of our situation and the courage to do something about it," Simpson said.

Bowles led successful 1997 talks with Republicans on a balanced budget bill that produced government surpluses the last three years President Bill Clinton was in office and the first year of George W. Bush's presidency. Simpson, as the Senate's GOP whip in 1990, helped round up votes for a budget bill in which President George H.W. Bush broke his "read my lips" pledge not to raise taxes.

"Everything's on the table," said Obama, who in his Feb. 1 budget was unwilling to abandon his pledge not to raise taxes on people making less than $200,000 a year.

Republicans were quick to make it clear they're unwilling to make a bargain on raising taxes in exchange for cuts that benefit programs dear to Democrats. That means Obama's commission — which needs several GOP votes to issue a plan — could well be doomed to gridlock.

"The American people ... want us to get a handle on spending without raising taxes," said Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. "Americans know our problem is not that we tax too little, but that Washington spends too much."

And while there is increasing public concern about the deficit in opinion polls, there's also lots of opposition to spending cuts. A CBS News/New York Times poll released last week, for instance found that respondents opposed cuts to education and health care by a 2-1 margin.

Among the few lawmakers willing to put out a comprehensive deficit-cutting plan is Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the senior Republican on the House Budget Committee, whose "Roadmap for America's Future" is a free-market treatise that would sharply curb the explosive growth of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

It was immediately savaged by Democrats and the liberal blogosphere for, among other things, seeking to transform Medicare over time into a voucher program that wouldn't keep pace with rising health care costs.

The White House had sent signals for weeks that this was the year Obama was going to get serious about the country's looming debt crisis. But his budget was mostly devoid of political pain and tough choices about taxes and the spiraling growth of federal benefit programs.

"No major reform happens in the United States without presidential leadership," said GOP economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former adviser to Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign. "There are too many Americans who believe that if we just cut foreign aid the budget balances. There is an enormous misunderstanding about the nature of the problem."

Here are the kinds of steps the panel is likely to consider as it seeks to tackle deficits that never dip below $700 billion under Obama's budget:

_Raise the retirement age for full Social Security benefits to more than 67 years old and have benefits grow at a less generous inflation rate. Expose more income to Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes.

_Require seniors to pay more Medicare costs out of their own pockets and curb payments to health care providers.

_Raise taxes on people making less than $200,000 a year, requiring Obama to break a signature campaign pledge.

"You're going to have to do all of the above," said Conrad. "You're going to have to do all of the things that people don't want to do."

Besides Bowles and Simpson, Obama will appoint four more members to the panel. Republican and Democratic leaders will each appoint six additional members.
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axis layani BB Ilegal

JAKARTA - Axis berencana menyediakan layanan untuk seluruh handset Blackberry yang beredar di Indonesia, tak terkecuali melayani Blackberry ilegal.

Axis yang merupakan operator telekomunikasi keempat penyedia layanan Blackberry juga berencana menjual layanan dan handset Blackberry yang tidak di kunci (unlock).

"Buat apa kami memaksa orang untuk memakai perangkat dari kami, kami tidak takut untuk menjual Blackberry unlock," ujar chief Marketing Axis, Johan Buse kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Selasa (30/6/2009).

Johan mengatakan, Axis percaya diri dengan layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan dan tidak menolak jika ada pelanggan yang menggunakan BlackBerry dari mitra atau importir umum yang ingin menggunakan jaringan Axis.

Sementara itu, kebijakan untuk menawarkan Blackberry unlock itu dikritik oleh Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan masyarakat Informasi (LPPMI), Kamilov Sagala.

Saat dihubungi terpisah, Kamilov mengatakan jika Axis diperbolehkan Research in Motion selaku prinsipal BlackBerry untuk memasarkan perangkat unlock, begitu juga dengan operator lain. "Prinsipnya semua harus mendapatkan equal treatment. Jika satu operator dilarang, operator lain juga dilarang. Jika Axis menjual BlackBerry unlock, itu sama saja melanggar etika bisnis," kata Kamilov.

Terkait hal itu, Axis menanggapi pihaknya tidak melanggar aturan. Axis mengatakan akan patuh dan mengikuti semua regulasi yang ada di Indonesia. (srn)

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Dirut Bank Sinar:
Akuisisi Bank Mandiri Tak Melanggar Etika Bisnis
Kamis, 6 Desember 2007 - 11:02 wib
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Rani Hardjanti - Okezone

JAKARTA - Ada aroma tak sedap dari proses akuisisi Bank Sinar Harapan Bali (Bank Sinar) oleh Bank Mandiri, yang sebelumnya akan diakuisisi oleh Bank BNI. Tapi, Bank Sinar menegaskan tidak ada hak eksklusif bagi keduanya.

"Seluruh proses kerja sama antara Bank Sinar dan Bank Mandiri telah dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku," kata Direktur Utama Bank Sinar IB Perdana, kepada okezone saat dihubungi di Bali, Kamis (6/12/2007).

Perdana juga membantah, tudingan adanya pelanggaran etika bisnis baik oleh Bank Sinar maupun oleh Bank Mandiri.

Menurutnya, apa yang dilakukan Bank Sinar untuk memenuhi sesuai dengan Arsitektur Perbankan Indonesia (API). Dalam API itu bank-bank yang tidak dapat memenuhi ketentuan modal minimum sebesar Rp80 miliar per 31 Desembar 2007, maka statusnya akan diturunkan menjadi Bank dengan Kegiatan Terbatas (BKTI).

"Untuk pemegang saham Bank Sinar memutuskan untuk mengundang beberapa calon investor yang bersedia untuk menambah modal," ujarnya. (rhs)

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